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Here at Moment in Time Photography we don't just cater to the traditional photo sessions. We offer many other types and are open to other ideas that are presented to us! These are just a few of the other options we offer!



We understand how important pets are to someone and will glady allow pets in regular photo sessions as well as can do a session specifically catered to just your furbaby!


Business Professionals

I have noticed an increased interest in businessmen calling to get an executive portrait or corporate headshots done for their social media profile page like LinkedIn, Face book and Google Plus as well as a great business and corporate image to put on their companies websites. It is becoming very commonplace now for a client to do research on you before they use your services and putting a professional and approachable corporate headshot of yourself online will help put a human face on your company to help them connect to you. Would you want a client to see an amateurish Image of you online?, what does that say about you and your business?


Profile Pictures

You can win or lose a person's attention with your profile pictures, and it's not because of your looks. What you're doing in the pictures can affect how you're perceived, and with the right pictures, you might be able to catch a few more eyes and invites in your inbox. What does increase your odds of meeting more people in person, regardless of your gender and orientation, is when your pictures show your hobbies, your sense of humor, your full life, pets, and interests. More than any selfie, these profile pictures show people how you're unique and interesting. They tell them that you have things in common with them, lots to talk about, and that it looks like fun to hang out with you.


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